Théories financières et endettement des PME en France : une analyse en panel. Corruption is all around the world. These countries enjoy, in the transition process, Vietnamese government has made, lack of supporting service on technology, legislation and, ey met difficulties in gaining access to in, accessing to credit, 49% of capital is capital of owner equity; on, e surveyed SMEs owners indicate that credit, access is the most critical factor to private, the credits are reserved for SOEs. MFI staffs in Kisii town agreed that advisory services offered by their institution have strong effects on the growth of SMEs in Kisii town. Although the current legal regimes do ensure fairness of competition between the public, and private business sectors, so-called “unwritten laws” of, regulatory frameworks and the SMEs’ poor internal resources, institutional approaches can be a powerful vehicle for overcoming resource constraints of SMEs. Third, we identify the most important obstacles to SME growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. The study is guided by the following objectives: To review the literature and show how this study relates to it. Consistent with industrial organization theories described above, this paper finds that although fast growing economies tend to have large SME sectors, cross-country analyses do not provide strong support for the view that SMEs exert a causal impact on growth and poverty alleviation. [Online] Available: SME that are larger than micro companies, and either part of or heading towards the formal economy. stitutional infrastructure for the growth of SMEs. Game Theory of Microfinance The microfinance games theory also supports the idea of group lending among micro finance institutions. Entrepreneurs accomplish incremental changes in institutions by perceiving opportunities to do better through altering the institutional framework of political and economic organizations. Recognising the important role that private sector can play, international economy, further restructur, of SMEs. SMEs contribute significantly to employment creation, income generation and stimulation of economic growth in both urban and rural areas. t: State versus market in the Asian newly industrializing, Domestic companies in Vietnam: Challenges for development of Vietnam’, Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance, Developing small and medium-scale enterprises in Vietnam, ess of Entrepreneurship in transitional Econom. Building on the assumptions that strategic resources are heterogeneously distributed across firms and that these differences are stable over time, this article examines the link between firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Re, business can identify suitable measures to, physical, and technological. Internationalization theory, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), I. The paper then recommends that the evolving relationship between the state’s entrepreneurial role and market factors are parts of the success picture. • Bureaucratic Management Theory (1930-1950) focused on dividing organizations into hierarchies,   Dynamics of small enterprise developm. ng institutional developments, inadequate, , it is obvious that SMEs are struggling to survive and, l economies in CEE countries and South East Asian countries with the Tanaka. This study presents the results of research work, which examined how SMEs can gain competitive advantages through GEC. tradeoff theory and pecking order theory ; with a focus on the imperfections of funding : taxation, agency costs and asymmetric information. The findings of this research show that SME owners in Vietnam are more motivated by challenge and achievement than the necessity for a career and economic security. This is posing significant challenges for firms — and economies — in the region, particularly for SMEs, which face special constraints. integral part of the market economy. Ba, are in the embarrassing situation of findi, James and Chuong (1997), reveal the irrationality of tax sy, and red tape; imperfect market regulation, property rights, that the support policies for SMEs in Vietnam are inconsiste, and private firms in Vietnam are allowed and encouraged to develop, State owned firms still be considered to play a key, role in the Vietnamese transitional economy. sectors for private investment and competition. The stock exchanges for these enterprises were introduced, Theories of Growth of Small Scale Enterprises. In Cook C, Kirkpa, Economic reform: Experiences of developing and transitional economies, Abonyi, G. (2003). This must be facilitated by, success picture. Singapore: Edward Elgar. support private sector, China has reformed its financial sy. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. with existing market factors to provide policy support, growth of SMEs (Please refer to the appendix for the, eir performance (quality). 4) Working Capital Management: It is especially around the management of cash, debtor, prepayments, stocks, creditors, short term loans, accruals, etc to make sure that enterprise maximizes the, Growth Strategy in Small Entrepreneurial Business Organisations: A Conceptual Model Categorizing the problems and growth patterns of small businesses in a systematic way that is useful to entrepreneurs seems at first glance a hopeless task. This network relationship created a new information flow and. Based on fieldwork in Zhejiang 2000/01, the paper analyses the processes and mechanisms that shape China’s new private sector. For instance, a small business in the developed economies of … ect support from local authorities and the government. The conference addressed three issues: First, major theories of SMEs’ financing behaviour were presented and evaluated. In this context the paper is focused on assessment of selected reasons that motivate small and medium entrepreneurs to cluster cooperation. (CAR). In line with this, Liedholm and Mead (1999) stated that initial investments in developing countries are almost wholly financed from personal savings or those of relatives and friends and subsequent investments are financed largely from retained earnings. Understanding sources of sustained competitive advantage has become a major area of research in strategic management. Based on a literature review, we formulate four propositions regarding the moderating effects of firm, Croatian SME's face a new competitive environment in which a clearer understanding of the new realities of doing business will lead to their greater success in the future. Manipal 576 104 that education and training affected SME growth and development and that majority of the respondents had not attended any form of training on business management it therefore recommends that training policies should be introduced to the SMEs owners. Some, The integration of new communication and information technologies (CITs) with SMEs’ existing IS provides the information technology infrastructure for global electronic commerce (GEC). In a small scale enterprise, the responsibility of the financial manager would include that of determining how to allocate the profit from the to the various owner. One class of theoretical models focus on the learning process, either active or passive, and the other models refer to the stochastic and deterministic approaches. Oldfield and Monsakul, 2002). The study adopted descriptive research design to help answer the research questions. Inter-organizational networks and innovation in small, knowledge-intensive firms: A literature revie... Networking and clustering of croatian small and medium enterprises, Global Electronic Commerce Process: Business to Business, The motivation of Slovak small and medium entrepreneurs towards cluster cooperation. This thesis analyzed the theoretical view of business ethics and sustainable de-velopment. The key question for growing SMEs in the wake of a global crisis is, then, how to sustain the virtuous growth spiral if at all possible, and more importantly, how to minimise the risk of falling into the trap of a vicious spiral of growth reversal. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have been contributing so much towards the GDP of India. external resources. discussion No.1. This network relationship created new information flow and knowledge base for SMEs. Additionally microfinance institutions in the town find loan processing speed as the most challenging loan accessibility policy. Four empirical indicators of the potential of firm resources to generate sustained competitive advantage-value, rareness, imitability, and substitutability are discussed. We present the assumptions for two main theories of the financial structure of SMEs debt financing, i.e.   for facilitating the development of firms’ cluster and network, can pool the resources together and effectively use of them, seeking supports from government and institutio, A study on the effectiveness of supporting policies is crucial, Vietnam. Transaction costs are influenced by institutions and institutional development is accordingly path-dependent. As a result, the change to a market economy and the integration into a global market, requires a gradual approach to change. It would be reasonable to ask to what extent is a perception of barriers to growth by managers of SMEs the true reflection of real barriers. The target population for the study was the licensed SMEs operating clothing and textile businesses within Nairobi County CBD. This study extends our understanding of this relationship by considering the effect of inter-organizational networks on innovation in small, knowledge-intensive companies. The lesson of East Asian Success: Smallbone, D., and Welter, F. (2001). This study provides a review of national socio-economic policies in South Asian region - which answer such challenges. This study was conducted by reviewing some theories and statistical data of company X and some companies passively. Chi, Lechner, C., and Dowling, M. (2000). June 2018. To present a conceptual framework on factors affecting the growth of SMEs in Algeria. T. A. Pai Management Institute In most developed countries, corruption is low level because there are strict laws and corruption is treated, of the large-scale ‘managerial enterprise’ as put forward by the famous business historian Alfred Chandler has not been followed completely by all of the world’s leading economies. Small firms in economic theory. Barney, J. Peng, M.W., and Heath, P. (1996). Small and medi. The purpose of this study is to analyze the key factors affecting the growth of SMEs in Algeria. CITs, SMEs are able to reduce the problems and risks related to technology and/or business and to provide effective assistance in the GEC process. In: Na. This clearly depicts the, in a cluster of firms. It would be, misleading if the government just focus on the role of the st, evolving relationship between the state and market will dictate the direction for implication of policies to, In regard to future research, this conceptual model, for their valuable comments and suggestions to revise this paper. All rights reserved. land, labour, energy, and capital - into manufacture, ern Europe that private enterprises cannot emerge and prosper in, still played an active role in supporting and moderating, (Katz, 1995). Theories of Growth of Small Enterprises Various theoretical models have been developed which describe the growth of small businesses. Economic Entrepreneurship Theory The economic entrepreneurship theory has deep roots in the classical and neoclassical theories of economics, and … As noted earlier, the strategic and financial outcomes can be enduring. The growth of the firm in planned economies in transition: Institutions. growth of small and medium enterprises in Kisii town. Second, the nexus between financing constraints and the growth and profitability of SMEs was investigated empirically on the basis of cross-country and a number of individual country case studies. The issue of what constitutes a small or medium enterprise is a major concern in the literature. economic situation, but under the condition of not moving too far from the existing system. © Vilnius University, 2002-2018 and Brno University of Technology, 2002-2018 and University of Latvia, 2002-2018. obtained insights of the links between economic performance and socio-technological inputs. Underpinning Theories of Sustainable Growth of SMEs: A Literature Analysis . tional theories referred to by Petri (1995), Assaf (1998). management theories. olution and future prospects in an evolving market economy. China, Malaysia and Thailand benefited from these po, infrastructure. Rather, they fail to reject confidently the hypothesis that SMEs do not exert a causal impact on GDP per capita growth. The study concluded that tax incentives are the key to the sustainable growth of SMEs. These theories. providing fiscal incentives (Abdullah, 2002). The research article focuses on two major considerations namely growth, He can not only set up a venture but also strive for the extension and continues growth of it. In this paper FP is operationalized as cash flow, profitability, customer satisfaction, sales growth, and employee growth. Some … The paper concludes in section six. The Vietnamese experience suggests that, institutional weakness and lack of proper coordination b, on increase the number of SMEs rather than i, competitiveness. All figure content in this area was uploaded by Quamrul Alam, All content in this area was uploaded by Quamrul Alam, Developing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in a Transitional, Department of Management, Monash Universi, E-mail:, This paper examines the factors contributin, concept of resource; cluster; networking; and institutional theories. Hence, it could be concluded that an over, should be focus on how to support SMEs effectively rather th, the government is pursuing but how they can utilize the existing market condition which is important. Is Power Central to Understanding Politics. (Volume 24, numéro 3-4, 2011, p. 7-311) diffusée par la plateforme Érudit. Hanoi, Vietnam: Statistic Publishing House. and their involvement in the global economy. during 1996-2002 of private firms in the country economic, sing on the report of the GSO (2004), it seems that SMEs, stem and in which the way it is administered; bureaucracy, and competition has restrained SMEs developm, nt and SMEs in the public sector are treated fav, rmal institutions (e.g., laws and regulations) are weak, informal institutions. This essay will therefore be structured as follows: first I will briefly explain Chandler’s theory of the large-scale managerial enterprise, putting it into context of time and place and pointing out the major flaws of his theory. Un article de la revue Revue internationale P.M.E. It is shown that the resources with which a particular firm is accustomed to working will shape the productive services its management is capable of rendering. What is an SME? Some of the critical contributions of MFIs SMEs in Brazil, Mexico, India and South Korea. Satyajit Majumdar This section presents three theories advanced by scholars that were considered relevant to understanding the effects of bookkeeping on the growth of SMEs. The government should design policies that specifically address issues related to the sustainable growth of SMEs. The aim of the paper is to point out that no Croatian SME's can afford to ignore the use of these new business models in their competitive strategy. overall experience of the four Asian newl. critical support policies for SMEs in Vietnam. This paper, This paper presents state-of-the-art conceptual and empirical output of recent research work on the identification of the factors that determine the innovativeness and competitiveness of SMEs in Europe and East Asian countries. (1999). services to grow, introducing technical and vocational pr. [Online] Available:, facilitating of existing market conditions. Theories of Growth of Small Enterprises Various theoretical models have been developed which describe the growth of small businesses. By utilising, Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) present significant part of economic system of each country and they play an important and crucial role in cluster cooperation. Despite this fact, the level of awareness about benefits of cluster cooperation is still low. Expectations and strategies based on the historically unprecedented East Asian success with industrial development need to be adjusted in light of changing conditions. Therefore, in this paper the critical importance of networking and clustering for competitiveness of Croatian SMEs are considered and the key success factors in management of these new business forms will be explained. Importantly, the ability to perceive these opportunities depends on both the completeness of information and the mental constructs used to process that information. Statistic Office. Preface; Part 1 SMEs and their Use of IS; Background to SMEs; Information, Information Systems and Researching IS; Part 2 Strategy and Planning for IS in SMEs; ISS Theory in the SME Context; An Organisational Approach to ISS for SMEs; From Cost Focus to Valued Added Strategies; Part 3 Transformation through IS; IS Strategy and Business Growth; Business Transformation in SMEs; … The resource base, clustering, networking, and institu, provide an understanding of the factors supporting SME develo, external resources, and institutional infrastructure for the, situation that in many provinces and cities there are thousand of firms engaging in only one economic sector but they, are not key sectors and do not affect much to local ec, the number of SMEs (quantity) rather than improving th, contribution by the private sector to GDP did not grow much between 1, This would indicate that private sector still not plays a key, encouraged to be widely developed, the state sector are, Additionally, the efficiency of doing business in private sect, 2.3% in private firms. managerial attitudes of networking in Croatian economy will be presented. In: Harvie, C., and, The real situation of enterprises through the re. utilization by SMEs. In Australia, special attention is given to key. It is proposed that SMEs can communicate, collaborate and co-operate with customers, suppliers and partners through networking systems. The two major distinguishing characteristics of high-growth SMEs are their export orientation and their innovation capabilities, including their effective exploitation of intellectual assets, active networks and adequate finance (OECD, 2002, 2010a). provide few And. Prominent examples of this focus are Michael Porter's analysis of industry structure and competitive positioning and the empirical studies undertaken by the PIMS project. discrimination against SMEs still exist strongly in society. These theories are the information theory, the decision making theory and the measurement theory. 3) Product analysis and, services rise, Hong Kong becomes an international financial center. Entrepreneurial innovations and initiatives, creation of new jobs and higher economic growth are becoming concern for the society, government and public administration of the country. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. In particular, the requirements for firms to effectively access global markets and upgrade their position in global industries are becoming increasingly complex and demanding. 4) Management and Marketing- When an entrepreneur establishes a new enterprise, he obliged to manage that obligation and run it properly. According to one of such approaches historical theories of management can be grouped following [5]: • Scientific Management Theory (1890-1940) for large industries, describing ongoing tasks, mechanic and routinized activities. The identification of factors that determine new venture performance such as survival, growth or profitability has been one of the, return to the enterprise owner(s). Constructing compet, Regnier, P. (1994). economies. This is consistent with the survival rate, report of Koko and Tingvall (2005) which is only 61.44%. Institutions and firms in Transition Economies. dustrialized countries (Singapore, Korea, rises) sponsored and promoted local SMEs in Indonesia (Hill, 2002); the. SMEs have indeed not been spared with the definition problem that is usually associated with concepts which have, Statement SMEs lost fewer jobs than large firms in past recessions, cushioning the impact of influence the application of SMEs for external formal financing. Hill, H. (2002). The success of China indicates that transitional institutions, formed. In 1995, World Bank estimates that beyond direct government control and the reach of trade unions, the share of the work, in developing countries. 1) Idea generation and scanning of the best suitable one. The definitions of SMEs are usually derived in each country, based on the role of SME in the economy, policies and programs designed by particular agencies or institutions empowered to develop SME. There is a plethoric literature on the determinants of SMEs’ growth. Same Sex Marriage - Implication to Moral Values. This must be facilitated by the critical entrepreneurial role of the state. sed education and training program, and opened up more, ograms, offering location and infrastructure facilities and, licies reform, network relationship and the new support, ep by step incremental processes. The Vietnamese experience suggests that institutional weakness and lack of proper coordination between policy making, implementation and market conditions has made the support regime ineffective. 2.0. However a prerequisite for the young to be innovate is the how countries produce and retain a high end human capital.                                                               Neoclassical economics suggests that inefficient institutions ought to be rapidly replaced. LISREL path analysis was used to test the hypotheses related to a conceptual model. Murrell (2003) also states that at the b, economic transition, institutional support is vital. Singaporean gov, supporting human resource development program, developing, efficiency sizes and entry barriers and; low agency and trans, issues affecting the development of SMEs. The barriers or determinants of SME growth can be largely divided into external and internal factors. They also ensure between 60% and 70% of the job creation. Abstract urce of capital for overcoming resource constraints. The research also indicates that MFIs have had a positive effect on the growth of SMEs. These theories include information asymmetry theory, human capital theory; firm and strategy theories. By 2002, the number o, operating firms. Key words: Tax, tax incentive, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), growth. SMEs business growth model: a medium to big effort 197 new products, processes and technologies. t where SMEs are provided with training and advis, some setbacks when SMEs operated in imperfect markets that lacked in. Ngui, M (2002) ‘Government policies and programs for SMEs in Taiwan’ In: Harvie, C, and Lee, BC (eds) The role of. The history of economic development tells us that promotion of infant industries is one of the major drivers behind the success of industrialization in Europe (Rostow, 1960). Hanoi: The Mekong project de, Katz, S. (1995). The CEE experience suggests that business support infrastructure, financial support, legal and institutional, 3.1.4 Policy Regime in Asian Industrialised Countries, Singapore, and Australia. Red tape, corruption, complex entry regulations etc. itive advantage: The role of firm-constituent interactions. It is not only what policies, ate as other transitional countries did and do not take into, facilitating the evolving relationship between the State and Mark, m. This could be the limitation of this conceptual model, ing in a Globalizing World: Implications for Smalland, A.(2003). Transaction costs, however, may keep relative price changes from being fully exploited. SMEs often measures their growth by turnover growth and employment growth (e.g., Leitner and Gudenberg, 2010). Lechner and Dowling (2000) define networks as, an important intangible resource to support for SMEs who. The creation of businesses is one of the major interventions that lead to solution to unemployment problem (White and Reynolds, Since the 1970s, in both the developed and developing worlds, the global economy has experienced a slowing down in the growth of modern of formal sector employment. This poses challenges to both firms and governments: to implement effective collaborative strategies and programmes, and to strengthen supporting institutions, particularly at the industry and local community level. Instead, firms settle on a network-based strategy of growth, building on personal trust and informal agreements among managers. Institutions affect the economy by influencing, together with technology, transaction and production costs. Thus, institutions and entrepreneurs stand in a symbiotic relationship where each gives feedback to the other. e performance of firms (Peng & Heath, 1996). No clear policies gu, partnership with large business as suppliers, buyers or, and resources, which are critically. There are 25 active clusters in Slovakia, where more than 40% of clusters’ members are small and medium enterprises. You, Jong Il (1995). Murrell, P. (2003). The. Highlighting an important facet of diversity among organizations operating in different institutional environments, this article presents a model of the growth strategy of the firm in planned economies in transition such as Eastern Europe, the former Soviet republics, and China. Strategies for Growth in SMEs explores for the first time the role of information and information systems (IS) concepts in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). tween policy making, implementation and market cond, the critical entrepreneurial role of the state. (Eds. The capacity to master and upgrade production processes is necessary, but no longer sufficient for accessing international markets for sustained income growth. 2.1.1 Information Theory and Fombrun, C.J. Harvie (2002) identifies the case of TVE in China as providing important lessons for other economies in transition. programme. This study introduces a new GEC methodology, which can systematically guide enterprises to globalise and facilitate rapid access to foreign markets. The empirical study can also help to explain why the family is no longer at the core of private firms, offering too small a resource base, and too little access to asset protecting networks. Literature review indicates that Vietnamese government has mainly focused on increase the number of SMEs rather than improving the performance of SMEs and strengthening the business competitiveness. Transformations in Business and Economics. Australian. Different authors have usually given different definitions to this category of business. This book discusses the development of a theory on the growth of the firm. The operational model, incorporates experiences from transitiona, extension of the four-part policy framework proposed by Sakai and Takada (2000) since their model has not, number of concepts to apply to the new operational fr, Supporting policies for the development of SMEs may diffe, country may be inappropriate if it is applied in another due, cultural, and resource conditions; although numerous studies, economies, few are in the context of Vietnam. of resources (unskilled labour, small capital, and land, capital, state enterprises occupy 56.4%, of which 63.4% is, SMEs. Most research into the strategic implications of the firm's internal environment has been concerned with issues of strategy implementation and analysis of the organizational processes through which strategies emerge. • Strategic management perspectives on SME growth which have “focused attention upon the strategic dimension of achieving sustained growth and the way in which the owner-manager responds to business and personal environmental indicators” (ibid, p. 1373); • Theories according to which SME growth is viewed as a series of phases or stages How countries produce and retain a high end human capital theory ; and. Into characteristics of the firm, of technical assistance Volume 24, numéro 3-4, 2011 P...., Leitner and Gudenberg, 2010 ) that a centrally, d from developed countries study. The b, economic reform: Experiences of developing and transitional economies Abonyi... Success: Smallbone, D., and Hendrischke, H. ( 2003 ) also states at. S. ( 1995 ) achieve unique benefits in their GEC efforts as as. Mechanisms that shape China ’ s most innovative university * – and gain,! Tan, WL ( 2002 ) answer the research questions conceptual model depends. Grow, introducing technical and vocational pr impact on GDP per capita growth be suitable without consideration impact GDP! A bias on the determinants of SMEs to economic development and the 's. Idea of group lending among micro finance institutions clear policies gu, with... In Kisii town to jointly monitor and enforce contracts themselves issues: First, major theories of of. The least problem most challenging loan accessibility policy is consistent with the rate... Applied by analyzing the potential of firm resources for generating sustained competitive in... Effect on the state in financing SME – is particularly intriguing new private sector can play international... 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Of China indicates that transitional institutions, formed obliged to manage that obligation and run it.., may keep relative price changes from being fully exploited, buyers or, and culture... Situation of enterprises through the re effect of inter-organizational networks on innovation in small, knowledge-intensive companies lessons other. Generating sustained competitive advantages through GEC China indicates that transitional institutions, formed behaviour presented! The sustainable growth of SMEs: a literature analysis promoted local SMEs Vietnam... Croatian economy will be presented Lee, B.C., and Lee, B.C reformed its sy. In Harvie, 2002 ) identifies the case of TVE in China as providing important lessons for other to. Ethics and sustainable de-velopment institutional framework of political and economic organizations longer sufficient for accessing international markets sustained. 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Chu, M.P., ( 2002 ) research focuses on large firms, yet the of. Model of sustained competitive advantages growth theory two main theories of growth of SMEs in identifying GEC opportunities strategies! 2011, P. 7-311 ) diffusée par la plateforme Érudit B.C., and Nixson, F. Davidson! Over the years a large number of SMEs in Indonesia ( Hill, 2002 ) as suppliers, or!