I am still suffering from night time (used to be day time too) stomach pains. horny goat weed, 500mg of 5:1 extract, once a day. Heart attack. I had a gastroscopy about 5 years ago which ruled anything out and then early last year found a hard lump in my lower abdomen which led to a CT scan and biopsy revealing a very rare, slow growing cancer called Pseudomyxoma peritonei. But the reality is, whilst the generalisation is generally true, it simply isn’t that simple. If you have found this page, chances are you too suffer a mysterious abdominal pain but only at night. Stalking: the problem of other people, part 2. I also investigated a more systemic approach and found some interesting data suggesting that persistent herpes outbreaks are [anecdotally] associated with low testosterone. I do get cold sores in my nose and on my lips. “Diarrhea can be caused by gastrointestinal infections, celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease, among others.”. Hi! No matter who I showed this to, everyone told me the same thing – I must be rubbing my hand on surfaces and not realise it, possibly as I sleep. Emergency physician Dr. Scott Youngquist tells you if that’s a reason to go to the ER. I’m constantly obsessing over my stools, some days they’re fine but mostly constipated even though I generally follow quite a healthy lifestyle. The discomfort would wake me up, a broadly diffuse discomfort, not excruciating, but enough to wake me up and then prevent going back to sleep again. Tales from The Rainbow Machine with Andrew T Austin (“Word Salad Dave”), 5. The comments section on this page is open. The problem is, long term use of this drug is really bad news. All text is copyright property of this site's authors. Perhaps a PCR? I’m exploring differential diagnosis and looking at chronic Bilharzia as a possibility/co-morbidity – I think it extremely unlikely, but since the treatment for this is easy and safe, I figure its worth a try. There are no tests that show irritable bowel syndrome. I may still see if I can get tested. There is an uncommon inflammatory bowel disease that is well-known for causing middle of the night lower abdominal pain that’s relieved with diarrhea: microscopic colitis. Especially the part about have abdominal pain after getting up to pee at night seems weird and it seems like the doctors dont really believe me when i tell them about it. High fibre diet. It might be worth asking on the herpes reddit forum: https://www.reddit.com/r/Herpes/, If you arent already familiar with it, look up FODMAP: https://23nlpeople.com/fodmaps-and-ibs/. Chances are, he’d had genital infection at some point in his past, but hadn’t recognised what it was at the time. So, the plan: stop all further herpes outbreaks, increase motility of the bowel, reverse the neuropathy. I want to focus more on what we can do about this problem rather than concentrate on the negative. 10. It soon became clear that my GP practice had long dismissed me as being some kind of crank. Especially if it gets worse and worse, this can be a sign of appendicitis or a … Nothing helped. Thank you, you have really hit on something that could really be causing all my grief with my stomach lately. If menstrual cramps wake you up in the night, here's what to do. And then at 10 days, I awoke with a boner. Any chance a shingles vaccine might help. It seems that few people realise that it can actually have other sites of infection. Unfortunately, headaches are not created equal and there are a number of different causes that can be behind your pain. The remedy that finally worked for me was chewing DGL licorice about 20 minutes before each meal and 20 minutes before going to bed at night. Is GERD Keeping You Up at Night? No improvement to symptoms. I broke out in acne and my skin became really greasy. A heart attack, also known as a myocardial infarction, occurs when the heart muscle is … Sticking to the same diet, I was able to eat with no issue and even branched out to very small portions of things that are known causes of acid reflux such as: fried food, red meats, and some salad dressings. Every. I also feel bloated and have a full feeling in the back of my throat and sometimes a little nausea. I’m going to show this article to her family physician and hopefully he’ll prescribe her the meds you’re taking. One of the most common causes of stomach gas pain at night is the dreaded midnight snack. Further deep dives into the medical literature revealed the following: herpes infection can cause a temporary or permanent neuropathy to a portion of the bowel. Dr. Robert Kwok answered 32 years experience Pediatrics Doctor can evaluate: A person with stomach aches upon awakening can make a diary of symptoms, writing them down on a calendar. I use 000 size capsules (the largest) and take 4 capsules with every meal along with a glass of water. I always noticed with a drastic diet change that it would help, but then the pain would slowly creep back. I recognised that the pain is mostly focussed on the left lower abdominal (site 3 – beginning of the “sigmoid colon”). The hotness wasn’t due to the central heating or heavy bedding. As a hobby, I breed fish and am well versed in water qualities, electrolytes, nitrites/nitrates and so forth. This comprehensive limitation of liability applies to any kind of damage including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties. I wake up around 3:30 every night in a full sweat and my lower abdominal is aching. (The Franchise) Is this the biggest bootlegging operation in personal development and NLP? Herpes zoster, which is more commonly associated with shingles arises from a previous infection of “chickenpox” where the virus lays dormant n the body. As you have likely noticed, morning headaches can have a number of different causes and all can be treated in different ways. The pain preceding the diarrhea can be severe, and the diarrhea is often explosive and watery, splattering the sides of the toilet bowl as it gushes out. I’m feeling helpless. Sudden or severe pain. Here is what else I learned which came as a bit of a surprise – herpes lesions can appear on the inside of the colon, not just to the skin. If I uncovered myself and allowed my body temperature to drop (would take about an hour) I would be able to go back to sleep again. But my abdominal pain at night started about 5 months ago and keeps me up. Good luck on your journey. Menstrual cramps or endometriosis is also one of the leading causes of stomach cramps at night in women. I was also aware that having moved house there were certain fish breeds I could no longer keep in untreated tap water owing to the GH of the water. I made sure to keep my portions small enough to avoid complications focused more on my acid friendly diet. I’ve had very similar symptoms that you outlined in the writing. I suffered this for over 10 years and eventually worked out a cure. I do have a diagnosis for HSV1 and have a prescription for acyclovir as needed for occasional break outs. I don’t know how accurate this test is if there isn’t a current outbreak, I’m quite out of date regarding testing procedures. Persistent visits to the GP, but only to be dismissed as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), all diagnostic investigations coming back normal, multiple medications tried without effect. Feels good to know I’m not alone after finding your blog! But today I sit here having slept properly and had another pain free night. I’ve suffered with herpes in my bladder over the past few years, but didn’t even think that it could be what’s effecting my stomach issues I’ve been having. One moment, you’re shooting through the waves of the Pacific Ocean with your new mermaid tail, high-fiving dolphin flippers left and right. Most tests for herpes are carried out by swabbing an infection site (i.e. Answers from hundreds of doctors about benign to serious symptoms. Tales from The Rainbow Machine with Andrew T Austin (“A Case of Dying”), 3. It's the second most common reason people see their doctor. Thus every time you tell them you are visibly ill, it surprises them and you have to explain it to them all over again. I am experiencing all of these exact symptoms. tribulus terrestris 10,000mg of 10:1 extract, once a day. If you have cancer or are pregnant, you shouldn't ignore the discomfort, but seek immediate medical care. Was it the water? / has given me a little bit of hope! Some headaches are characterized by having the blood vessels in the head dilate. This has caught my attention, as it makes no sense to me that this should work and I’m still working my way through the medical literature on this subject (its a well documented effect). Might be a dumb question haha. I even had a flexi cystoscomy years ago (wahhhh!!!). Turned out it was a parasite. Every four weeks, I stop taking these supplements for a week (so, four weeks on, one week off cycle). https://www.apoe4.info/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4686. I find it keeps me regular. Take action now! Rather concerned it was my liver (or gall bladder), I booked an appointment and was referred to hospital for investigations. Every night consistent liquid stools, accompanied by pains during the whole process. If you were diagnosed with IBS but never had a colonoscopy, and you waken at least once a night on most nights (or in the wee hours of the morning) to have diarrhea, you’d better get a colonoscopy. the stomach pain is inside and it wakes me up at night. 35, and have been suffering for about 3 months. This time, however, did not feel like an acid issue. Really useful stuff! Scarysymptoms.com will not be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this site. But when all other tests for conditions that produce the symptoms of IBS come up negative, then a diagnosis of IBS is made. So I never use the escalators or lifts etc when I don’t have to. Time. However, I am just curious as to where this herpes infection could have came from? I ended up going to the ER since I couldn’t wait any longer for a doctor especially without the ability to eat and with how bad these symptoms were getting. I know I do so much better when I stay away from high arginine foods especially protein powders which I have used lately to try to up my protein intake. I know that if I were in fulltime employment, I’d not be able to maintain that job and would be faced with the situation of being the guy who looks very well, but claims to be ill and unable to work and facing much incomprehension or disbelief from employers, doctors, relatives, and friends. Overnight diarrhea, especially watery, does NOT point to colon cancer. The daytime symptoms of IBS and MC significantly overlap, but MC is infamous for nocturnal diarrhea. It works out at about £80-£90 for 2-3 months medication. But lower doses were not so effective at eliminating the herpes outbreaks, especially when they hadn’t broken through to the surface of the skin. Something something serotonin. Thanks. This occurs around 3 or 4 in the morning. (Cloudflare) Is this the biggest scam/bootlegging operation in personal development and NLP? Often I wake up in the middle of the night in pain from extreme hunger. I did try the low arginine diet along with lysine supplements, but did not find it made any difference. Magnesium (1000mg) with zinc (15mg) once a day. Sudden stomach pain in children. In this article, we assume you already narrowed down exactly what you are experiencing and believe that it’s cause is Acid Reflux. Of course I have ibs so the doctor doesn’t want to help past that. I was going to try out by buying the tablets first, if they help, I’ll make my own. And once pain keeps you awake one night, it is likely to do the same thing again and again. Wow!Sounds like you have been through the mill! I do not recall if I had any herpes signs at that time. It’s known as “referring on.”. It can also be due to a host of causes that causes pain irrespective of the time of day. Thank you for all this information. Tales From The Rainbow Machine (“Self Esteem”), Stalkers stalk because they like stalking, Columns, Pillars, Pedestals, Freemasonry and Andrew T. Austin’s “Metaphors of Movement.”, NLP Efficks (Michael Carroll from NLP Academy, South Croydon, London discussing the issue of the ANLP giving out awards). The main focus of the pain was the left lower abdomen, 2 inches below my belly button and offset to the left. All this alone has shown me just how unwell and debilitated I had been for so long. Dr. Oneto says that if you’ve been getting wakened overnight on a chronic basis (which would likely rule out food poisoning) by cramping that’s relieved after you have diarrhea, “see your doctor because other conditions should be ruled out. The patient may not know the diarrhea is coming until literally moments before they feel it’s going to come. My abdominal pains occur in two pin point locations left side under rub cage – fullness and burning sensation/stich and exactly 2 inches under my belly button to the left side like yours! "> Subscribe. Plus the best information on fitness, exercise and fat loss. I was thinking possible nerve damage from surgeries and having kids… I have had those dry patches for as long as I can remember, my sure about the herpes spots as I have so many scars from acne as a teenager, and if I slip up and eat sugar I break out like crazy. So adjusting dose accordingly is easy when you have a large batch that is all the same. Pt. I poop normally. When I was flaring I would regularly wake up at night with severe stomach pain. What developed next was permanency to the nocturnal abdominal pain. I’m at a loss on what to do about this and I’m still unable to get a doctor even remotely soon. Celiac disease is diagnosed with a blood test (did you have the celiac sprue test?). I continued with intermittent herpes treatment for about a year or two, but as time went on, whilst the herpes outbreaks were increasingly managed, the abdominal pain symptoms persisted. They also informed me that my symptoms do not seem like IBS, so no suspicion of that. They start an average of 9 hours since I last ate, usually between 2:30 am to 4:00 am with a burning in the upper abdomen that increases in intensity and area until it involves the entire abdomen in like a square shape. Pt 9. Wondering if, in early stages, you may have had issues with your illeocecal valve. I find it interesting you never mentioned a low arginine diet to help with your problems. I was a nurse and at the time I was working as an occupational health advisor, now working as a therapist in mental health. This is either via sexual contact or oral contact (genital to genital, mouth to genital etc). I’ve had issues for over 3 weeks now that had started out as excruciating heartburn. If you suspect that the cause of your nausea when waking up is pregnancy, you should take a home pregnancy test or visit your gynecologist. Pt 2. Please don’t use the comments section to bash the medical profession or give endless examples of how crap they can be. My husband brings enough of that into our home without me adding to it, so one of us needs to be the mellow one. My tongue was permanently coated in thick whiteish goo. The misconception seems to be that herpes contracted sexually will only affect the genital, but actually, although this is most common, the infection can arise anywhere. I have bad simplex 1 that doesn’t care for Sun. Hi I’ve experimented with the minimal dose needed to produce this effect, and it is x2 tablets (50mg total), any less, nil effect. And again, and again. However, my ever so persistent symptoms of the night are still occurring. The joy of this last small detail is ridiculous to me. I am sure you know this only too well from your own investigations. Almost everything you mentioned above I have been through too! Thank-you for putting this article and associated video on laxatives together. Now I have terrible back and low pelvic pain the day after my period ends, which lasts 1-2 weeks. Visited different doctors severally but I’m told it’s because of a pelptic ulcer. I have been suffering for weeks since my gallbladder surgery to help improve the situation but it didn’t help and now things seem worse. This is insane, I’ve been experiencing THIS exact things for about 2 years now. Persisted with it but whilst I pooped a stomach pain that wakes you up at night of the bowel is impaired, and nothing.! Have managed no improvement in the middle of the night, it causes of!, 500mg of 5:1 extract, once a day for certain diseases but typically other clinical features will be.! Could peel paint stomach ache but only at night months, this common effect is known as “ on.... 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